Thursday, November 11, 2010

Water Bottle Fill Stations

Trying to coordinate everyone so that this project gets completed has been interesting. It was quite difficult to try to get everyone on the same page about where to put the filling stations, and what type of filling station we are going to install. Most of this is just from how difficult it is to communicate with a lot of busy people. It is a project that is going to take some work, but I think we've laid good ground work to getting at least a filling station in the Cooler and the Library. I feel it's most important that the one get installed in the Cooler. Because this is a place that sells water, and has no place to fill reusable bottles. It is currently the only eatery on campus that does not have an easy way to fill a reusable water bottle. Hopefully as more of these fill stations get installed the use of bottled water on campus will continue to decrease.

Unfortunately, we have run into some bumps in the project. Mostly because we cannot agree on a type of water bottle fill station. Bruce has researched some, that are really cool, but quite expensive. They would be very effective and attract people, because they look cool, but they cost of it, may not out way the benefits. It would be easy to just replace the spigots some of the current water fountains into ones that are able to fill water bottles. These may not be filtered or have automatic filling, but these low-tech options would work just as well, at a fraction of the cost.

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