Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Oxy Solar Update

At the General Assembly on Thursday, March 18th Derek Singleton and myself introduced a solar initiative. We presented the current standing of our solar project on campus to an audience of approximately 25 students. There were a number of questions that students had including the costs and financing of the array. Derek and I attempted to answer all questions to the best of our knowledge.
At the end of the meeting we, the general assembly of Occidental College, formed a solar committee that is committed to establishing a solar array on our campus. The group of students to sign up for the committee amounted to almost 15 individuals.
This student initiative gives our student body a voice to advocate for solar on our campus. It also shows our administration and Board of Trustees that there is student led support for solar energy. This is a great step in the process towards solar energy at Oxy.
On another note Occidental College administers are in the process of drafting another solar array proposal to the Board of Trustees. This solar array proposal will include one of the first ever aesthetically friendly and artistic designs. The solar array will have the appearance that it blends in to the Fiji hillside landscape. Researchers are working to assure that the function and output of the solar array are not compromised.
The hope is that we can garner support for our fellow Oxy students to ensure that this solar array is approved by the Board of Trustees. And if it does not pass this time around we will need to build support for another array proposal and to continue to put pressure on those making decisions here at Oxy.
If anyone else would like to join the solar committee or has any questions regarding the solar array please contact Jason Lehman at

1 comment:

  1. let's talk in class today about how to use the solar committee as the trustee meeting approaches
