Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Distribution/ Consumption

I want to start by tackling chapter 3 of Leonard's book on the distribution side of the spectrum. It seems the idea is to buy and sell as cheaply as possible maximising the profit while keeping the consumer happy paying rediculously low prices. This concept is as accepted too often by many Americans who love paying bottom dollar for everything. H&M is just one company metioned in her book that is a major contributor to over production and distribution of items. The focus has now been placed on addvertising and brand names rather than quality and longevity of products. Im not sure how to explain this other than an ideological change in hoaw people are buying and selling. Distribution changes have been directly correlated to the super market phenomenon and has both a positive and negative impact on consumers. Convienence is extremely important to the customer the ablitity to buy everything from cat litter to cookies has completly changed how people shop. What exactly will snap people back from this illusion that more is better or the cheapest item is the best? I have a bad feeling that abusing the system of globalization will have some lasting effects.

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