Thursday, October 22, 2009

Is Oxy Running Out of Time?

Yesterday Professor Snowden-Ift conducted a campus-wide solar energy briefing at Oxy. Although he started strong with numbers, charts, and, if I may say so, wonderful undertones of excitement and entrepreneurship, before he finished his presentation it was very obvious that something was not quite right. Had Occidental jumped on this solar bandwagon a month ago costs would not include an extra $1.3 million. Prior to yesterday projected costs were much lower. Although a change in numbers is frustrating, it is unnecessary for this to be an end all to Oxy’s solar project. What is most unfortunate about this change in numbers is the timing of it. Within the next week Professor Snowden-Ift will be presenting these projected costs and projected benefits to Oxy’s Board of Directors. An additional $1.3 million will not go over well.

Do not fret! This by no means signifies an end to Solar at Oxy, but it does emphasize the time restraint set upon us. With every day, week, and year that goes by Oxy is losing out. Not only losing out on a more viable economic decisions, but also missing out on so many other opportunities. In a few years it will be impossible for Oxy to find such competitive rates on solar arrays. In a few years it will be impossible for Oxy to boast the largest private solar array in the L.A. county. In a few years it will be impossible for Oxy to claim the largest private solar array of any U.S. private college. In a few years it will also be too late to take back the great number of tons of CO2 Oxy will have contributed to our atmosphere due to regular usage of electricity.

Before yesterday’s briefing I understand the importance of Oxy using solar energy, but I had no idea on the importance of this limited time frame. What can we do? As faculty members we can continue to support this project, as students we must begin to show that this is what we need, and as individuals I think we all need to step up, speak out, and make it known that this is what we want and need.

1 comment:

  1. Outside funding takes longer to arrange. I assume that private finance such as a loan is easier to get than donations but the terms need to be right and the financial climate is still difficult.
