Thursday, November 19, 2009

A New Campus Tour Route

Most current Oxy students have taken the campus tour that takes you from the administration building to Newcomb Hall, past Weingart and to the Library. The second half of the tour includes the quad, sometimes the marketplace and back to the administration building. While Oxy students are quite exceptional, I have been thinking that Oxy can create a "green tour" that can be used in the future once more and more green projects are in place.

The "green tour" can include heading up the hill to see the garden. If the solar array is implemented on campus, that could be another stop. Also, if more sustainable lanscaping takes place, a stop to see that is also a good idea. While this tour would be best for the future, with more physical green projects on campus, it is fun to think of a new route for the tour guides.
Perhaps there could be an option of what tour you want to take. So, if you are more interested in sustainability you are able to see the campus from that angle rather than the new wing in the library.

This not only will allow students who are interested in sustainability and a green campus to understand Oxy's environmental endevors and unque glimmers of cretivity in greening the campus, but it could also spark interest in students and families that come to Oxy not interest Oxy's sustainable efforts. A new route could represent a greener future and a different way of presenting the school to futre students and parents.

1 comment:

  1. I think that this is a really great idea, especially if the Solar Panels are installed since we will be able to brag that it is the largest one on a college campus in the United States. The only problem is is that the garden and solar panels and probably other green projects in the future are a hike, and our hilly campus does not make it a nice stroll! Some people on the tour may not physically be able to make it up to see these projects so I don't know how likely it would be to change the route. However, I do think that without a doubt these projects should be mentioned in the tour. Maybe even after the tour is over, there can be an option to view the green projects as an extended tour? Or even if there was an option of either to take a green or regular tour, the green tour could be on a golf cart/trolly? This is a really great idea and I think can be easily implemented in a number of ways.
