Thursday, November 19, 2009

The alternative transportation team has spent the past week finalizing our proposal for the bike sharing program. It is so nice to finally have our brainstorming, debating and drafting all neatly compiled into one word document. Though this proposal is only the first step towards the implementation of the bike sharing program, it is very satisfying to physically see the work that we have done this semester.

Our proposal is outlined in the following way:

1.The introduction discusses the need for the bike sharing program at Occidental and the benefits of implementing such a program. It includes our survey responses regarding approval for the program and community participation.

2. Section I outlines the suggested budget for our bike sharing program. The budget is primarily composed of the costs for repairing the twelve abandoned bikes we obtained and the costs of biking accessories, such as helmets and locks.

3. Section II describes the general logistics of our proposed program, including details about check out procedure. As of now, we are hoping to have a check out system through the library. This involves placing a new bike rack outside of the library.

4. Section III lays out information regarding the liability policies of our bike sharing program. We are planning to have fixed fees for damages and late/no returns based on the estimated worth of the bike.

5.Section IV provides resources for bike maintenance and safe riding in Los Angeles. We are hoping to provide links for fun routes in the area of Occidental College.

6.Section V is a supplement to our proposal. It contains letters of support for the bike sharing program and examples of successful bike sharing programs in other academic institutions.

I am using this blog post as an opportunity for seeking input from members of the two other groups. Please leave suggestions, comments or criticism. We would love to hear if any of you have anything to add or a different approach. Also if any of you have links to resources we could use for our safety and supplemental sections, it would be great! Thanks for your help everyone.

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