Thursday, February 18, 2010

parking fee

posted on behalf of Derek Mazzeo

Occidental should look into taxing some of the negative environmental

practices of its students, faculty, and staff. Not only does a small

fee deter the use of environmentally unfriendly practices, it can

raise substantial amounts of money towards promoting sustainability.

Although these type of taxes on negative externalities are often

unpopular, many states and localities have used congestion pricing,

tobacco, and alcohol taxes to decrease dangerous or undesirable


I believe the easiest way to institute this type of tax is by

creating a parking fee of $50 per semester for faculty and students.

Traffic congestion is the leading cause of CO2 emissions in the state

of California, and a recent report linked living even near a freeway

as a top cause of asthma. Though reducing Occidental's car use would

make only a small difference, the amount of money raised could be

substantial. If only a quarter of students paid the fee and remained

car dependent, Oxy would generate over $21,000 per-semester on student

fees alone. To make up for the loss of transportation options, the

school could purchase TAP passes (new reusable prepaid bus/subway

passes) for every student encouraging mass transit use and community

engagement. The remainder of the money would be well used in the

sustainability fund but could even go towards financial aid or into

the school's general fund.

Though it may not be the most popular type of policy, it is among the

most effective. If anyone as any suggestions about how get this type

of proposal going please let us know!


  1. I think you touched on a great idea of giving every student a TAP Card, which would enable students to access the entire LA transit system easier. Once you have a TAP card it is very easy to reload, to see how go to reload a TAP card go to TAP Cards have an initial cost of $2, and from then on out you just have to pay for which ever pass that you want. One problem is that TAP cards are not sold blank, if the school were to buy TAP cards for students they would also have to buy some kind of pass to initially put on it (day passes of $5 are the cheapest). However, the TAP website says that many educational institutions and large employers in LA already offer discounted TAP cards to their students and staff. Oxy should look into buying TAP cards or offering them at a subsidized price to students and employees as a way to promote public transit use by students and staff.

    For more general information on TAP Passes look under the TAP tab on

  2. President Vietch is now interested in parking fees for students. Hopefully that will build momentum. the obstacle would be arguments that students would park in the surrounding neighborhood instead.
